Starts as carpentergirl


Alexander Reise marries Leonie Lamp.


Leonie Reise gives birth to Jonathan Reise, whom Alexander Reise names after his father.


Late Autumn, Lady Stefany Reise hears her niece, Lady Stefanie of Wonden, plans to get married to David Smith. Hence, she asks her to move in with her at Wonden Tower. Then, Lady Stefany and Jonathan Reise will move down at The Claw in the Spring, as they long has desired.


Early Spring, Edwin Rowley marries Dominic Reise at Wonden Tower.

Spring Equinox, Lady Stefany, Jonathan and Maya Reise are moving down to The Claw.

Late Spring Leonie Reise gives birth to Nia Reise.

Midsummer, Dominic Rowley Discovers she's pregnant.

Late Summer, from the Claw, Alexander and Leonie Reise and their Children Jonathan and Nia Reise are comming to the wedding at Wondon Tower. Too.

Jonathan Reise likes to play with Nigel Scott, so Mattie Scott offers to babysit him at The Rooster Claw.

At Wonden Tower, Moyo Wardon gets so furious, she gives Sir Thomas of Wonden a mouse, before Ruddy Locky can grab her, and take her away to calm her down.

Now, the brother of Maya Reise, Alexander, steps in and want to arrest Moyo Wardon as the local sheriff.

Ruddy Locky, having Moyo Wardon in a tight clasp, promis to take care of Moyo Wardon, and make her behave for the rest of the night.

Feeling a bit responsible, by stealing Moyo Wardon's boyfriend, Maya Reise makes her brother, Alexander Reise, let Moyo Wardon go with a warning.

Hayley Locky notices Sir Peter of Turain and Moyo Wardon are kissing passionately, and jump up to smack Moyo Wardon.

A bit intoxicated, Moyo Wardon strikes back at Hayley Locky.

Alexander Reise has lost his patience and arrests Moyo Wardon.

This time, Ruddy Locky stands with his sister, Hayley Locky, and does not help Moyo Wardon.

Alexander Reise have Edwin Rowley and his sister, Dominic Rowley, driving Moyo Wardon to the dungeon at Wonden Castle.

At the end of wedding night, the musicians stop the music and prepare to go home.

While Ruddy Locky is talkning with his sister, Hayley Locky, Finly Dade goes to Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourg to ask for permission for them to stay at Wonden Town for a while for him to buy an new instrument.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh want to retreat to The Rooster Claw, and they demand Chantelle Wood comes with them to nurse Sir Patrick Jr., but they allow Finly Dade and his boyfriend, Ruddy Locky, to go to Wonden Town to buy a new instrument for Finly Dade there.

Chantelle Wood protests, because she wants to be with Flynn Flower until he kisses her, and offers to go with her to The Rooster Claw, so they can be together.

Inspite of protests from Chantelle Wood, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh shall wait for Finly Dade and Ruddy Locky at The Rooster Claw with their servants, Slim Bellerby and Chantelle Wood.

Thus, Jonathan and Lady Stefany Reise with their Grandaugter sleeping, Nia Reise, Leonie Reise, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh at her arms, because Chantelle Wood is too engaged kissing Flynn Flower, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, with Maya Reise as his bodygaurd, and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric with Sir Thomas of Wondon as her bodygaurd are leaving Wondon Tower together.

At Rooster Claw, Leonie Reise picked up a sleepmg Jonathan Reise and promises to come back next day. Then Jonathan and Lady Stefany Reise went home with there dauter in law, Leonie and there grandchildren, Jonathan and Nia Reise.

Sir George sais goodbye to his nice, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who will stay at The Rooster Claw.

Next morning at The Rooster Claw the day after the wedding, Leonie Reise returns with Jonathan Reise, so he can play with Nigel Scott again, and with Nia Reise so she can play with Lay Scott and Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh again.

Leonie Reise, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh and Mattie Whaton are having a cosy time, while the Children are playing, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have gaven Chantelle Wood off, so she can be kissing with Flynn Flower.

Sir William of Wondon, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan arrive from The Old Witch. Alexande and Leonie Reise are kissing and hugging, while Sir William of Wondon is talking with his niece, Lady Samantha of Malbourgh.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh plan to leave for Malbourgh as soon as Finly Dade joins them at The Rooster Claw, who is still at Wondon to buy an instrument.

Sir William of Wondon have alredy met Finly Dade at The Old Witch and he hope, his nephew, Flynn Flower is not desturping Chantelle Wood as nanny. Lady Samantha of Malbourgh recogn, she can take care of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh herself while they're waiting for Finly Dade.

Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.

Jonathan and Nia Reise immediately starts playing withn Nigel Scott, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,

Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden at The Goblet at Sharton..

At the end of Late Summer, Finley Dade returns to The Rooster Claw with his new instrument, he have bought at Frank Noneman, but his have breaked up with Ruddy Locky, whom have joint the Turainians to go home to Turain.

Slim Bellerby comforts Finley Dade, but though they have lost a guard, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh finds it safe, to head home for Malbourgh.

Hence, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh says goodbye, to Hugo and Bella Scott and thanks them for the hospitallity at The Rooster Claw.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, says goodbye to her new friends, Leonie Reise and Mattie Scott. She invites them both to visit Malbourgh Castle, so Sir Patrick of Malbourgh, Nia Reise and Lay Scott can play again.

Early Winter Mattie Scott asks Leonie and Alexander Reis about having Moyo Wardon as a maid at Rooster Claw.


Late Winter, Dominic Rowley gives birth to Marty Rowley.


Leonie Reise gives birth to Theresa Reise.


Herman Hermanson marries Maya Reise.


Raoul Hermanson is born.


Early Autumn, Killed by Soldiers of Malbourgh the first day of the invasion of Wondon.